

Named-entity recognition (NER) (also known as entity identificationentity chunking and entity extraction) is a subtask of information extraction that seeks to locate and classify named entities in text into pre-defined categories such as the names of persons, organizations, locations, expressions of times, quantities, monetary values, percentages, etc. 
In simple words you may be interested to extract dates, number, location, currency, units etc.

AmplifyReach Catalyst platform supports following entities:

BRANDSVehicles, weapons, foods, etc. (not services).
BRANDS WITH KNOWLEDGE BASEBrand Entity with some additional information like – Brand Category With Knowledge Base.
LAWSNamed documents made into laws.
QUANTITYMeasurements, as of weight or distance.
LANGUAGESAny named language (language name occure in article/text).
ART NAMETitles of books, songs, etc.
GROUPSNationalities or religious or political groups.
DATESGet date terms, Absolute or relative dates or periods.
PERCENTSPercentage (including “%”).
PEOPLEName of People, including fictional.
PEOPLE WITH KNOWLEDGE BASEPeople Entity with some additional information like – Person Category there upcoming and latest events. Ref- People With Knowledge Base.
TIMESGet time terms, Times smaller than a day.
MONEYMonetary values, including unit.
ORGANIZATIONSName of Companies, agencies, institutions, Organization etc.
ORGANIZATIONS WITH KNOWLEDGE BASEOrganization Entity with some additional information like – Organization Category With Knowledge Base.
LOCATIONSName of Location, Place, Country, city etc.
LOCATIONS WITH KNOWLEDGE BASELocation Entity with some additional information like – Location Category With Knowledge Base.
EVENTSNamed hurricanes, battles, wars, sports events, etc.
CARDINALNumerals that do not fall under another type.
ORDINALOrdinals (e.g., “first”, “1st”).
EMAILGet email Id from article text.
LINKGet URL/Link from article text.

Entities Using Catalyst UI

  • Goto AmplifyReach Dashboard-> BuildBots
  • Using navigation sidebar, locate Core Services > Text Analysis.
  • Select URL or Text tab to enter the link or text for Text Analysis. 
  • Press Analyze button.
  • Text Analysis Results will be shown.
  • Results show all available entities that Catalyst has detected
  • For Developers, you can view JSON by clicking </> View JSON on right corner.

Extracting Entities Using Catalyst API

 Tip: Register your account and contact us at kick-start@amplifyreach.com to get Developer Id and Access Token

URL & Objects

The following URLs are available.

PUT /textanalysis/v1/entitiesPut URL, Articles or Text for entity analysis.
GET /textanalysis/v1/entities/{UID}Get Entities from URL, Articles or Text.

PUT /textanalysis/v1/entities

PUT https://launch.amplifyreach.com/textanalysis/v1/entities


Name Description
Content-Type application/json


    "url": "<SAMPLE_URL>"
    "text": "<SAMPLE_TEXT>"

cURL-PUT Request for URL Request

curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X PUT \
-d '{"url":"<SAMPLE_URL_FOR_ANALYSIS>"}'\

cURL-PUT Request for Text Request

curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X PUT \
-d '{"text":"<SAMPLE_TEXT_FOR_ANALYSIS>"}'\

Put Response

The taxonomy put API response JSON structure.

statusStringRequest Status (Reference: Status & Error Codes article)
uidStringUID is unique request identifier ID which to get result in Get API.

Example: PUT Response

   "license":"By accessing AmplifyReach or using information generated by AmplifyReachAPI, you are agreeing to be 
    bound by the AmplifyReach Terms of Use."

GET /textanalysis/v1/entities/{UID}

Response time
Free Trial Account
– For URL as a payload, you can retrieve response after 10 seconds
– For Text as a payload, you can retrieve response after 1 seconds
Paid account: 
– Higher QPS as per applicable plan

GET https://launch.amplifyreach.com/textanalysis/v1/entities/{UID}

Content-Type application/json

cURL-GET Request for UID Request

curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X GET \

Entity Object

The entity analysis JSON contains all information about an entity, including its ID, name, and entries.

The entity object has the following fields.

statusStringRequest Status (Reference:  Status & Error Codes )
entitiesJSONObjectContains multiple entity object. Like- People, Location, Date etc.
entities.brandsJSONArray StringVehicles, weapons, foods, etc. (not services).
entities.lawsJSONArray StringNamed documents made into laws.
entities.quantityJSONArray StringMeasurements, as of weight or distance.
entities.languagesJSONArray StringAny named language (language name occure in article/text).
entities.artNameJSONArray StringTitles of books, songs, etc.
entities.groupsJSONArray StringNationalities or religious or political groups.
entities.datesJSONArray StringGet date terms, Absolute or relative dates or periods.
entities.percentsJSONArray StringPercentage (including “%”).
entities.peopleJSONArray StringName of People, including fictional.
entities.peopleWithKnowledgeBaseJSONArray People With KnowledgeBaseRef: People With Knowledge Base.
entities.locationWithKnowledgeBaseJSONArray ObjectLocation With Knowledge Base.
entities.orgWithKnowledgeBaseJSONArray ObjectOrganization With Knowledge Base.
entities.brandWithKnowledgeBaseJSONArray ObjectBrand With Knowledge Base.
entities.timesJSONArray StringGet time terms, Times smaller than a day.
entities.moneyJSONArray StringMonetary values, including unit.
entities.organizationsJSONArray StringName of Companies, agencies, institutions, Organization etc.
entities.locationsJSONArray StringName of Location, Place, Country, city etc.
entities.eventsJSONArray StringNamed hurricanes, battles, wars, sports events, etc.
entities.cardinalJSONArray StringNumerals that do not fall under another type.
entities.ordinalJSONArray StringOrdinals (e.g., “first”, “1st”).
entities.emailJSONArray StringGet email Id from article text.
entities.linkJSONArray StringGet URL/Link from article text.

Example: Entity Object

  "license": "By accessing AmplifyReach or using information generated by AmplifyReachAPI, you are agreeing to be bound 
     by the AmplifyReach Terms of Use.",
      "quantity": ["350 - km", "240 - kilometre"],
      "artNames": [],
      "dates": [ "february 9 , 2017 - 15:38","february 9 , 2017 - 15:40"],
      "percents": ["50 percent"],
      "cardinal": ["2,413.68", "one", "two", "three"],
      "times": ["14 hours", "around 24 hours"],
      "organizations":["army", "the ministry of railways", "boost!", "navy",   "union territory", "air force", 
      "silapathar - north lakhimpur - bamey",   "nfr", "ministry of railways"],
      "locations":["andaman",  "tawang", "bamey", "bhalukpong", "diglipur", "nicobar islands", "port blair", 
      "arunachal pradesh",  "india", "pasighat"],
      "events": [],
      "ordinal": [ "first"],
  "status": "success"

Entity With Knowledge Base

The AmplifyReach have their own knowledge graph with 40 million+ concepts. With the help of this concept graph, We will provide additional information about person (only celebrity), location, brand and organization. 
People With Knowledge Base response JSON structure.

nameStringPerson name
categoryStringRelated Profession/Category
eventsJSONArray StringUpcoming and Latest event of person.

Example: People With Knowledge Base Object

   "name": "Judi Dench",  
   "category": "Movies",  
   "events": ["Upcoming film Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, Released On   2016"]  
    "name": "Jeff Pope", 
    "category": "Movies",  