

AmplifyReach Analytics dashboard provides a graphical representation of Chatbot and Live Chat data. This is useful to review Chatbot and LiveChat Usage over different channels, Performance and Errors during the specified timeline.

This report is available through AmplifyReach Dashboard -> Analytics


You can set the Language, Department and Duration of the data to filter the results.


Name Description
Total MessagesTotal number of messages in selected duration
Total Closed ChatsNumber of chats happened in selected duration

Live Active and Pending Chats

Name Description
Active Bot ChatsCurrent number of on-going chats being handled by Chatbot
Active Agent ChatsCurrent number of on-going/live Agent chats using the Live Chat Software
Pending ChatsCurrent number of Pending chats which Agents have still not accepted under Live Chat Software.

Comparison Graphs

This graph provides a comparative view of the selected date range with a similar duration in past. If the date range selected is for 7 days then the comparison is shown with respect to the last 7 days.

Bot Success

Bot success represents the number of conversations handled by Chatbot. You can filter the results using Request Type which shows the conversation names.

Overall Chat

This represents the total number of chats that happened in the selected duration. You can filter the results using Chats Closed By.

Closed ByDescription
BOTThis indicates Chat was handled by Bot
AgentThis indicates Chat was handled by Agent.
Visitor Not RepliedThis indicates that chat got closed without any interaction. These are mainly proactive chats which are triggered on a specific event.
MissedThis indicates the chats that were missed by Agents. Missed chats are those chats where there is atleast one visitor / customer reply and the chat is closed before the Agent accepts the chat.

Input & Trigger Failures

This represents the number of failures observed during the selected duration. You can filter the results using Failure Type.

Failure TypeDescription
AllThe comparison will show for all the error occurred during BOT conversation
IntentThis indicates BOT was unable to understand customers intent. This may be as BOT is not trained for the intent or there may be update required for the existing intent training
Input VariableThis indicates that customer is not providing the information asked by the BOT
TriggerThere was a failure with the 3rd party integration
Info Not AvailableThe customer has conveyed that the requested information is not available

Chat Counters

Chat Closed By

This chart gives a graphical representation of the number of chats closed for different reasons.

Tip: This is useful to understand the percentage of chats handled by Agent, Chatbot, Missed and Visitor did not reply. You can click on the legend text to exclude/include the type from the chart.

Device Distribution

This indicates the device distribution for the chat volume. Example: Web, Mobile, Tablet. You can check the percentage of chats used from Web/Mobile/Tablet.

Initiated By

This indicates how the chat was initiated.

  1. Proactive: These chats were automatically initiated due to predefined rules. To know more, check Configuring Proactive Chats
  2. User-Initiated: These are initiated by the user.

Chat Request Over Time

This gives the representation of average chatbot usage during the day.

Average Handling Time

This provides the average time required to handle the chats by Bot and Agents.

Bot Reports

Bot Performance Report

Successfully handledTotal conversations successfully handled by BOT
Trigger FailureThere was a failure with the 3rd party integration
Input Validation FailureThis indicates that customer is not providing the information asked by the BOT
Intent Identification FailureThis indicates BOT was unable to understand customers intent. This may be as BOT is not trained for the intent or there may be update required for the existing intent training
Info Not AvailableThe customer has conveyed that the requested information is not available

Conversation Handled By BOT

This graph shows the number of conversations handled by BOT for different conversation / request types

BOT Failure Report

This report provides the details of each BOT failure. The report is also available for download to analysis. You can check article Bot Failure Report for more details.